Mary Presson Roberts Photography

Scavenger Hunt

“Following that scavenger hunt of curiosity can lead you to amazing, unexpected places.”
― Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

I am always looking for ways to learn and grow as a photographer.  A couple of years ago, I learned about the Chrysta Rae Photography Scavenger Hunt on Google Plus.  This scavenger hunt, started by Chrysta Rae, invited hundreds of photographers to create images for given words.  Once the images were collected, they were revealed to all of the participants and judged.

After I had the pleasure to begin participating in this scavenger hunt, I wanted to continue with each round.  I am always so amazed by the many creative takes on each word.  The most recent round of the scavenger hunt, Round 20, was overseen by the incredible Lauri Novak.  She assembled her awesome Dream Team of helpers and found wonderful judges for this hunt.  Three hundred and fifty scavengers worked to create images for the seven words on the list.  The words for this hunt were:  bronze, up, face, cinematic, zigzag, dissolve, and calculating.

The following are my submissions for six of the seven words.


I thought that this image that I took of my great friend, Janet, would work perfectly for the word calculating.


My submission for bronze was something I was able to capture while visiting my son at his place of work, Carowinds.

I also found my image for the word up at Carowinds.  While riding the Skytower, looking for something of interest to photograph, I noticed that a rainbow had formed.  Once I got off of the Skytower ride, I rushed in the direction of the rainbow to see what I might be able to photograph with it.  It was complete serendipity when I was able to capture this rider in the scene.


My visit to Carowinds helped me out for the word cinematic, as well.  While visiting the park, I photographed this dinosaur with the sun coming through its mouth.


While scouting for the workshop I co-led with Les Saucier this summer, I found my entry for the word zigzag.  This image was taken at the Pounding Mill overlook on the Blue Ridge Parkway.


I was honored to receive a first place award by judge, Robin Griggs Wood for my entry for zigzag.

My favorite submission for this scavenger hunt was my submission for the word face.


I learn and grow so much by participating in these hunts.  I am in complete awe of the work of my fellow scavengers. The creativity that is shared is amazing!  I am so appreciative of Lauri Novak, members of the Dreamteam, and the judges for giving their time and talents to make the hunt possible.  Many thanks, also, to Chrysta Rae for creating this wonderful hunt!

I cannot wait for the 21st hunt.  Hope to see many of you participating, as well!  Click here to find out about how to sign up for the 21st hunt.

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Mary Presson Roberts

I am a travel and fine art photographer living and working in the Carolinas. My camera has taken me to places I never would have experienced and to people I never would have met. Photography has truly changed my life! Using my blog, I hope to share the joys of both travel and photography.


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